Ocellus Tech Managed Security


Establish Compliance-Alignment, Protect Your Environment, Stay In Business.

In today’s threat landscape, organizations of all sizes are aligning themselves with a trusted Managed Security Service Partner (MSSP) to address the on-going challenge of maintaining an effective security posture. For the past two decades, our professionals have been trusted partners to a broad spectrum of clients, within varied markets and industry segments.

MSSP coverage involves the outsourced monitoring and management of security-centric services for an organization’s devices, systems, processes, technology and people. A Cybersecurity Operations Center (CyberSOC) is the cornerstone of an MSSP’s ability to deliver effective coverage. Ocellus Tech has developed one of the region’s most advanced CyberSOC’s, staffed with industry experts who hold the highest levels of training and certifications. This makes it possible for our clients to receive the most comprehensive support available, while having certified experts assist in meeting evolving compliance and regulatory mandates.

Our MSSP support provides 24/7 service designed to reduce an organization’s operational costs related to hiring, training and retaining staff in order to maintain an acceptable security posture. This model has consistently resulted in cost savings related to equipment, software, tools and personnel.

It’s impossible for organizations (even at an enterprise level) to keep up with global cyber threat changes. Bad actors advance their arsenal of various malware tools and tactics for penetrating an environment on, literally, an hourly basis. The business of cybercrime has morphed into an international pursuit, resulting in an uneven balance of resources. If you combine the presence of ongoing threat schemes with the requirements to adhere to ever-changing compliance and regulations, the need for a trusted technology partner is evident.

Ocellus Techs’ MSSP coverage provides comprehensive protection, while assisting with meeting critical alignment standards, including but not limited to: the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), 23 NYCRR 500, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Our security coverage provides persistent visibility to isolate and remove threats and assist with well-coordinated incident response, all while maintaining simplified compliance. You can rest assured that your organization is in compliance and its data is safe and secure.

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