Specialized Services


In today’s rapidly changing business environment, technology has become critical to streamlining operations, cultivating growth, and maintaining compliance. When that technology is threatened, not working properly or your data is breached, it can easily derail your day-to-day and long-term plans.

At Ocellus Tech, we understand that sometimes you need someone to come in with a practical solution to your urgent problem. Our specialized services are perfect for these circumstances – they are flexible, customizable, and scalable in accordance to your timeline and budget.


Our goal is to always provide you with technology solutions that enable you to meet your clients’ expectations while increasing your productivity and return on investment. We are proud to say that we know our clients; we stay perpetually engaged with them to ensure knowing their challenges, goals, industry trends, nuances, and business operations; that’s delivering the Ocellus Tech Client Experience.


  • IT System Design and Planning – This is a detailed assessment of your current infrastructure that incorporates all your IT assets and operational processes already in place. We will provide a report mapping out your technology environment, identifying risks and vulnerabilities along with trends and technologies to consider for modernization. We make recommendations and provide a roadmap on how to make improvements moving forward.
  • Risk Management/HIPAA Compliance Reviews – Since the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act was implemented in 2009, there has been a significant increase in penalties associated with HIPAA breaches. The best defense against a HIPAA breach is a strong compliance program. Ocellus Techs’ review and subsequent report-deliverable can quickly identify required areas of change/improvement and provide a clear plan-of-action; all HIPAA rules are examined and uniquely applied to your organizational requirements. If your organization manages ePHI, you need to be compliant.
  • Cyber Security Audits – Penetration and Vulnerability Tests – When you’ve been on the receiving end of a cyberattack or confronted with Ransomware, it immediately puts your entire organization at risk. We can help you proactively identify threats, minimizing disruption and reputation-damaging events. By conducting a specialized internal audit and a series of tests we can bring your organization into alignment. These tests will assess the effectiveness of your current security control measures and use data as evidence to support findings and recommendations. The purpose is not to determine all vulnerabilities but rather to see the security posture through the eyes of a hacker if he/she were trying to probe your network.
  • IT Operational Efficiency Reviews – This engagement is a comprehensive look at your organization’s overall footprint with the goal of streamlining operations. Through a series of four phases, our team of professionals will assess your current solutions and facilitate the process of finding new vendor and service providers in accordance to your needs. Ocellus Tech will develop policies and guidelines addressing the workflow associated with the new operational protocol, taking into consideration functional improvements to consolidate into a manual for management. Finally, we will conduct a staff training and orientation for the new platform and provide a manual of new policies and procedures for the leadership team.
  • Data Forensics – Whether you need an expert witness, evidence specifying facts that will support a conclusion or judgment, or a report log providing a detailed chain of custody for the media or court, we can help. At Ocellus Tech, our professionals are versed in both civil and criminal cases with expertise in Electronic Discovery, Computer Forensics, Data Recovery, Court Testimony, Corporate Internal Investigations and Preventative Services. These services are vital to any individual, company, or law practice with litigation dealing with sensitive information stored on digital media. Ocellus Tech utilizes experts skilled in ensuring that all digital data has been handled within the legal principles of security, continuity and accountability. The integrity of Ocellus Techs’ processes and procedures will withstand the challenges presented in a court of law.

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